BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES Card reaches 1 million contracted operations

Oct 6, 2011

. Target for 2012 is to benefit micro, small and medium-sized companies in 100% of Brazilian municipalities   

On October 5, the BNDES Card, a credit line that supports micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), reached the mark of 1 million operations carried out since its launch in 2003.

In this year alone, it is estimated that more than 500,000 operations will be held, with a disbursement of R$ 7.5 billion, representing growth of approximately 80% compared to the R$ 4.3 billion released last year by the Card.

For 2012, the BNDES has set a target to support investments via the product in the 5,565 Brazilian municipalities. So far, cards were issued to MSMEs in 5,157 municipalities (92.7%), and in 4,864 of them (87.4%) financing transactions have been effectively contracted through the Card. Rio de Janeiro and Mato Grosso do Sul are the first states to benefit companies in 100% of their municipalities.

The BNDES Card became popular, especially in 2009 during the international financial crisis, having made its mark as one of the main instruments of the Bank aimed at MSMEs, especially in the last two years. Since its creation approximately 450,000 cards (98% for micro and small enterprises) have been issued, totaling close to R$ 21.3 billion in credit limit for investment.

Financial conditions -
The BNDES Card is a pre-approved credit line targeted at Brazilian MSMEs (gross annual revenues of up to R$ 90 million). The limit is up to R$ 1 million per issuing bank (Banco do Brasil, Banrisul, Bradesco, Caixa Econômica Federal and Banco Itaú), with fixed installments, a repayment period of up to 48 months and very attractive interest rate (0.97% p/month, in October 2011).

One feature that differentiates it from other business cards available in the market is that all transactions are conducted over the Internet through the website of the BNDES Card, which is also how the product is requested.

It is intended for the purchase of items registered by providers that are accredited on the website. Currently, there are about 170,000 products and services available for purchase. Among the most traded are machinery and equipment, computers, software, commercial mobile, commercial vehicles and motorcycles for delivery services.

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