BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES Rural Credit Program has already approved R$ 1.3 billion for agribusiness in 2020

Dec 11, 2020

The support of BNDES to the agricultural sector through the Rural Credit Program reached R$ 1.3 billion in financing this year. Loans have already been granted to 2,900 producers through more than 4,000 operations. Created in March and with the objective of ensuring the perpetuity in the offer of investment credit to rural producers, the program counts exclusively with BNDES resources. It is intended for investment projects in the sector and the acquisition of machinery and equipment; it can be accessed at any time of the year.

The granting of loans occurs indirectly, through accredited financial agents. Among them are commercial banks, development banks, development agencies, automaker banks, cooperative banks and credit unions. The discharge period may reach 15 years, with a final interest rate prefixed or post-fixed, according to the client’s interest and the purpose of financing. The program does not impose restrictions on the size of the beneficiary, it has no funding limit and can support up to 100 % of the financeable items.
Because it has continuous availability of resources and it is open to requests throughout the year, BNDES Rural Credit complements the Agricultural Programs of the Federal Government (PAGFs), also operated by BNDES. PAGFs are tied to the budget limit set by the Ministry of Economy and some of them have already closed the protocols for the current crop year, that is, they have suspended new contracts. BNDES’s program thus dams the effects of the depletion of funds from the PAGFs, acting as a complementary source of credit for the development of the Brazilian agricultural sector.
Real support in the production of tea – the action of BNDES in financing rural credit helps entrepreneurs, such as Cleberson and Maria Sandeski, from Imbituva (PR). They faced a setback in the demand of their producers and had to reinvent themselves by selling the teas of their company, João de Barro, directly to the final producer with the support of BNDES.
“The product was packed and weighed, ready to dispatch. But the person said he couldn't keep the product,” Maria explains. “That product became fertilizer,” Cleberson recalls. After the fall, the company obtained, together with Cresol, funding to buy a greenhouse. “Because we are small producers, we don’t have the resources to invest, so taking credit was very important,” Cleberson said.
The story of Maria and Cleberson in João de Barro aired on Thursday, on BNDES’s YouTube channel within the webseries “Challenges of Entrepreneurship.” Starring small entrepreneurs who share the challenges and overcoming process, the lessons learned and the impact of financing on their business. They also report how bank credit helped them through the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
See Episode 2 “Family tea” here. 
How to request – To have access to BNDES Rural Credit, just look for an accredited financial agent who will inform the necessary documentation and negotiate guarantees. 
Learn more about the BNDES Rural Credit Program here. 
The list of accredited financial agents can be accessed here
About BNDES – Founded in 1952 and currently linked to the Ministry of Economy, BNDES is the main instrument of the Federal Government to promote long-term investments in the Brazilian economy. Its actions focus on the socio-environmental and economic impact in Brazil. BNDES offers special conditions for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as social investment lines, directed at education and health, family agriculture, sanitation and urban transport. In crisis situations, BNDES acts in an anticyclical manner and assists in formulating solutions for resuming economic growth.
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