BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES allocates R$ 30 million from the Amazon Fund to register 55,000 rural properties in the state of Amazonas

Feb 15, 2019

 The initiative proposed by the Amazonas State Department of Environment Policies will implement the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) in 36 municipalities of the state

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the state government of Amazonas signed a R$ 30 million contract, with resources from the Amazon Fund, for the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) in 36 municipalities of the state. This initiative — proposed by the Amazonas State Department of Environmental Policies (SEMA-AM) — shall benefit about 55,000 rural owners by regulating their properties and enabling the creation of a database for the environmental monitoring of these properties. 

The implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry is a public policy that reinforces the presence of the State alongside family agriculture producers, the project’s target population. After the enactment of the new Forest Code (Law no. 12.651/2012), the CAR was established as the obligatory national public electronic registration for all rural properties, integrating environmental information about such properties. From this registration, environmental liabilities that may exist will be identified and an instrument of commitment shall be created for its effective recuperation, upon adhesion of agrarians to the Environmental Regulation Program (PRA). 

The project — whose lead time is three years — is structured in two components: institutional strengthening and registering in the CAR. The first component involves the development of a cartographic processing software for the state of Amazonas, in addition to the support of institutional capabilities — by transferring technology, technical and scientific support and the training of human resources. The registration component intends on mobilizing property owners, mapping their properties and registering them in the system.

Amazon Fund – Created in 2008, the Amazon Fund is administrated by BNDES, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment. The Amazon Fund is considered the main international mechanism of payments from REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) results, having 103 projects in its portfolio, for a total value of R$ 1,9 billion. The initiative has received voluntary donations from the Norway government, its main donor, from Germany’s development bank, KfW, and from Petrobras.

Supported by the Amazon Fund, 530,000 rural properties have already been registered in twelve Brazilian states. The support has also enabled the improvement of satellite deforesting monitoring systems in Brazil and in other countries of the Amazon forest. The Amazon Fund also supports 345 small and medium-sized institutions that produce and provide sustainable products and services — such as açaí berry, Brazil nut, rubber, cocoa bean, cassava flour, handicraft instruments, fishing products and community tourism —, directly benefitting almost 150,000 people.

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