BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES and BM&FBOVESPA present new portfolio for Carbon Efficient Index

Jan 7, 2013

• ICO2 encourages companies to adopt transparency for greenhouse gas emissions 

The BNDES and the BM&FBOVESPA  have defined the new theoretical portfolio for the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2), which will be effective from January 7 to May 3,  2013, based on the trading floor closing on January 4, 2013.

The portfolio that is valid as of Monday, January 7, comprises 36 shares from 35 companies: ALL, Ambev, BM&FBOVESPA, BR Mall Bradesco, Bradespar, Banco do Brasil, Braskem, BRF Foods, CCR, Cemig, Cielo, Cosan, Eletropaulo, Fibria, Gol, Itaúsa, Itaú Unibanco, JBS, Klabin, Lojas Americanas, Lojas Renner, Marfrig, MMX, MRV, Natura, OGX Petróleo, Oi, PDG Realty, Santander BR, Souza Cruz, Suzano Papel, Telefônica, TIM and Vale.

The ICO2, launched in 2010, comprises shares of companies that make up the IBrX-50 index and which have joined this initiative by adopting transparency in relation to their greenhouse gas emissions (GGE). Weighting in the portfolio takes into consideration the GGE efficiency, besides free float (shares available for negotiation) of each of them. The emission factors are calculated annually, while free float is assessed every four months.

For the current portfolio, all the emission data were standardized by the Center for Sustainability Studies (GVces) of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas Business Administration School (FGV-EAESP), using the ICO2 guidelines. These guidelines make it compulsory for the companies to present a GGE inventory that covers emissions referring to scope 1 (direct emissions from the production process), scope 2 (indirect emissions related to energy consumption) and scope 3 (indirect emissions related to inland logistics and business air trips).

The ICO2 method does not take into consideration GGE compensation efforts taken by the companies. However, to make these efforts easier to see, the BM&FBOVESPA has a specific virtual environment on the website In Good Company  for participating companies to post their inventory of emissions and mitigation efforts.

The ICO2 new portfolio can be accessed on:

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