BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES and Finep announce result of the Inova Petro’s first call-to-bid

Jan 16, 2013

• Development program for innovative projects in the oil & gas supply sector has approved 31 proposals for the next phase

The BNDES and Finep have finished the assessment phase of the Expression of Interest Letters in the Inova Petro’s first call–for-bid, a development program for innovation projects in goods and services supply chains in the oil & gas sector.

The BNDES and Finep have received 62 projects from 38 companies, which represents a demand for R$ 2.8 billion in resources. From the total received, some 31 projects from 20 companies have been approved for the next phase of the program, which was created from a joint effort between the BNDES and Finep, together with Petrobras’ technical support, and a budget of R$ 3 billion.

In this new phase, the approved companies will present their Innovation Business Plans with full details of the technology development projects pointed out in the 1st call-to-bid carried out in 2012. All technology was connected to offshore Exploration and Production of Pre-Salt Layers of Oil & Natural Gas. The program will be effective until 2017.

Among the lines for the first call-to-bid, the focus on topside technology registered the most significant number of projects approved (15) for the Business Plan phase.  After that, there were projects focused on subsea technology with 11 projects approved, then those with a focus on downhole technology employed in wells, totaling five approved projects.

The BNDES’ and Finep’s teams responsible for Inova Petro consider the quality of the projects and the demand for resources in the first call rather positive. The program estimates that successive calls-to-bid will be launched, identifying new focuses and new technology in the three lines, which will be developed by innovative projects from the companies in the goods and services supply chain for the oil & gas sector.

The companies that have not been selected and the other goods and services suppliers in this sector should remain attentive to the opportunities that will be offered in future calls-to-bid, since they have presented quality projects. Such companies were not selected mostly because they lacked adherence to the subjects identified in the first call-to-bid.

Inova Petro will support companies through several tools, such as financing, economic subvention for scientific and technological institutions (ICT), companies, and corporate stakes (shares).

Further information on the approved companies can be found here.

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