BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES and MEC launch R$ 20 million notice for incorporation of digital technologies in public education

Apr 27, 2018

 The resources will derive from BNDES’s Social Fund, under the Program for Innovation and Connected Education of the Federal Government

 The states (and Federal District) should submit proposals in conjunction with one or two eligible municipalities, in accordance with the rules of the notice

The initiative will be supported by a network of institutions to strengthen the system of monitoring and evaluation of public policies

The notice foresees the participation of private entities in the support to the call. The Lemann Foundation will be a technical partner and first investor of the initiative


This Friday, 27, in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MEC), the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) launched a public call which will feature resources from BNDES’s Social Fund, worth up to R$ 20 million, to support projects of incorporation of digital technologies in public education. The initiative occurs within the context of the Program for Innovation and Connected Education of the Federal Government, which intends to provide high-speed internet and ensure integration of technology as a pedagogical tool for everyday use in Brazilian public schools by 2024. 

Entitled “BNDES – Connected Education – Implementation and Use of Digital Technologies in Education”, the public call was announced, on Friday, 27, by the president of BNDES, Dyogo Oliveira, and by the minister of Education, Rossieli Soares, in a ceremony at the headquarters of BNDES, in Rio, which brought together representatives of the public and private sectors. The goal of the initiative  is to promote the use of technology in public primary schools and in the management of educational networks. 

Results are expected in relation to the motivation of students and teachers and to the evolution of the projects’ educational indicators, in addition to improvements in the quality of education, in equity, in the management of networks and schools and in the promotion of better academic learning.

Partnerships and governance – With national scope, the public call shall use nonreimbursable financial resources from BNDES’s Social Fund, for operations contracted up to 12/31/2018, and will be coordinated by the Bank, with technical support from the Center for Innovation of Brazilian Education (CIEB), which already operates in partnership with MEC.

To unite the efforts of the public and private spheres, the initiative will receive additional resources, complementing the support from BNDES. In this way, private entities and civil society organizations are also being mobilized, having the possibility of joining as partners. The goal is to converge knowledge and experiences from institutional, technical and financial resources aimed at improving the quality of public education in Brazil. The Lemann Foundation has already signaled its willingness to contribute with R$ 4 million in 2018 and R$ 6 million more in 2019. 

Fundable projects – The projects should include actions and/or integrated investments in four structuring dimensions: vision, training, digital educational resources and infrastructure, for use in primary and high schools. BNDES will also coordinate the development of a monitoring and evaluation model (M&A) of the public call which will feature a network of universities and public and private institutions.

Initially, five projects for implementation and use of digital technologies in education will be selected, to support their adoption in public, state and municipal education networks and to test more effective learning models for the long term on a greater scale. Five other proposals will await consideration so they may then proceed to the review and contracting processes at the discretion of BNDES, and in case of promotion of additional resources. 

The call is directed to the Federal District and to the states that joined the Program for Innovation and Connected Education. They should express an interest in submitting project proposals, together with one or two of their eligible municipalities (in the case of the Federal District, administrative regions), by May 15. The municipalities were listed according to the social and educational criteria described in the Public Notice. 

To sort the eligible municipalities and the projects that may present proposals in conjunction with the states to receive nonrepayable support from BNDES, lots will be drawn based on the extraction of the Government Lottery, as detailed in the public call notice. The first draw will take place this Saturday, 28.

Support to Education – The launch of public call “BNDES – Connected Education – Implementation and Use of Digital Technologies in Education” represents the first concrete action of BNDES in education, which is a priority in the strategic planning “Developing Future” of the Bank, which has the vision of making Brazil a developed country by 2035.  

The call is also the first structured action of BNDES within the framework of support to the Program for Innovation and Connected Education. The decree that established the program (Decree 9204/17) assigned technical and financial support undertakings to BNDES, including nonrefundable resources; participation in the structuring and coordination of monitoring and evaluation; and management and operationalization of integrated economic support to private entities and civil society organizations in the projects. 

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