BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES and Mtur establish a partnership to boost Brazilian tourism and structure national destinations

Apr 3, 2018

Federal Government initiative, in the Prodetur +Turismo scope, aims to expand the access of the public and private sector to the Bank’s lines of credit 

The announcement was made this Tuesday, 3, at the World Travel Market Latin America 2018, by the BNDES Managing Director Carlos Alexandre Da Costa and by Minister Marx Beltrão


The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the Ministry of Tourism (Mtur) establish a partnership to boost the Brazilian tourism and structure national tourist destinations. The Federal Government initiative, in the scope of the National Tourism Development Program and Tourism Structuring (Prodetur +Turismo), aims to stimulate local and regional development, employment generation, income and social inclusion, in a sustainable way, by expanding the access of public and private sectors to BNDES lines and instruments of credit geared to tourism.

The announcement, which was made on Tuesday, 3, in São Paulo, by the BNDES Managing Director of Industry and Services Division, Carlos Alexandre Da Costa, and by the Minister of Tourism, Marx Beltrão, during the World Travel Market Latin America 2018, occurs in line with the Bank’s strategic planning Developing Futures. Released in March, the plan defines tourism as one of the development actions to leverage the regional potential of the Country. 

“The way for the development of the country goes through tourism, which became one of the priorities of BNDES. One in ten jobs in the world is related to this sector, which, with tight margins, high competition and wide dispersion, has enormous challenges,” said the Managing Director Carlos Alexandre Da Costa.

Forms of support – To facilitate the access to credit and strengthen tourism activities, BNDES provided existing instruments of credit to operate in the Prodetur +Turismo. Thus, services and tourist projects of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), such as small inns and hotels, may be financed by the Bank’s lines and products aimed at this audience, such as the BNDES Card, BNDES Automatic, and BNDES Giro. Large projects of tourist infrastructure, for example, construction, renovation and expansion of hotels, convention centers and theme parks can be supported through BNDES Finem.

States and municipalities that make up the so-called Brazilian Tourism Map will be able to qualify for the Prodetur +Turismo of the Ministry of Tourism. To do so, before being introduced to BNDES, the projects need to be aligned with the axes of the program and need to receive the Seal +Tourism, from MTur. Investment projects in tourist and basic infrastructure that aim at the structuring of tourist destinations, including urban mobility, logistics and sanitation may be supported as well as projects related to culture and heritage preservation. The Ministry of Tourism may also offer technical support to the orientation, preparation and presentation of projects to states and municipalities.

Information about the BNDES lines and instruments in support of the public and private sectors, in the Prodetur +Turismo scope, is available on the website:

Tourism and hospitality – BNDES has a long history of supporting tourism, having disbursed  about R$ 5 billion for 81,539 sector operations between 2008 and 2018. For hotels alone, between 2007 and 2017, the Bank’s support totaled the amount of R$ 2.7 billion, of which R$ 560 million was released to MSME, through the BNDES Card. 

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