BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES approves R$ 134.6 million to the Sanitation Company of Paraná

Sep 28, 2011

• R$ 44 million was approved to the Sanitation Company of Espírito Santo

The BNDES approved financing operations to the Sanitation Company of Paraná (Sanepar) of R$ 134.6 million and to the Sanitation Company of Espírito Santo of (CESAN) of R$ 44 million.

In the state of Paraná, the resources will render the development and retrofitting of water supply systems of the municipalities of Apucarana, Cascavel, Londrina, Prudentópolis and Paranavaí, as well as developing sewage systems of Cascavel, Curitiba, Foz do Iguaçu, Londrina, Maringá, Paranavaí, Rio Branco do Sul and Umuarama.

The interventions are within the PAC 2 and will benefit millions of people in Paraná, essentially contributing to depollute the environment and improve the sanitary condition of the population by the correct destination of the sewer. With this, a reduction in the cases of waterborn diseases and in the correlated mortality is possible.

The investments to increase the water supply will allow Sanepar to prepare their system to develop the water consumption from the increase in population. Thus, the population will not suffer lack of water. The project value is R$ 143.1 million and the financing of BNDES corresponds to 94 % from the total.

Concerning the estimates of Sanepar, the investment will result in roughly 198 direct jobs, so after the projects the company will have more than 7,000 employees. 

CESAN – In the state of Espírito Santo, BNDES will finance with R$ 44 million Espírito Santo's Sanitation Company (CESAN), to expand the system for treating sewage Manguinhos, in the municipality of Serra.

The project includes interventions in the collection system with a total length of 45,000 meters, and building connections, whose estimate is 4 500 household connections. Also provided are the implementation of 12 raw sewage pumping stations and expansion of the sewage treatment plant Manguinhos.

The construction will provide better sanitary conditions, reflecting on health and quality of life, benefiting over 114,000 inhabitants in 16 districts of the city. The expectation is that the project generates about 5,500 direct jobs.


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