BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES' disbursements reach record of R$ 102 billion up to July

Sep 24, 2013

• A 50% increase compared to the same period in 2012
• Micro, small and medium-sized companies accounted for 37% of total disbursements

Disbursements from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) totaled R$ 102 billion between January and July this year, a high of 50% compared to the same period in 2012. All of the sectors supported by the Bank showed positive performance, with well-distributed releases across industry, infrastructure, trade and services and cattle-raising.

Industry, with disbursements 47% higher than those in the first seven months of last year (total of US $ 33.6 billion), recorded an increase in all segments, namely mechanics, transport equipment as well as foodstuffs and beverages.

Disbursements to micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), up 52%, accompanied the Bank’s growth. With $ 37.8 billion, the MSMEs accounted for 37% of total releases. For smaller companies, the BNDEScarried out 615,800 financing operations this year, representing 96% of the general total of operations. Thus, the BNDES has maintained the policy to decentralize credit, expanding the scope of its financing.

Loan approvals, totaling R$ 114 billion until July, also grew 24%, reflecting the interest of new investments in the Brazilian economy. The highest increase in relative terms was in infrastructure, with approvals of R$ 33.4 billion, some 45% higher than that registered in the same period in the previous year.

Consultations accounted for R$ 145.1 billion, with an increase of 4% over the period, maintaining the indicator at a high level.   

Last twelve months – A long-term analysis of the BNDES’ performance provides a clearer picture of the investment trend in the country. In the last 12 months ending in July, the Bank reached record disbursements of R$ 190.2 billion, of which more
than 60% is earmarked for industry and infrastructure. 

However, the BNDES released R$ 16.6 billion in the period to cattle-raising, which is a significant increase of 76% compared to the previous 12 months – a result strongly driven by this year's record harvest.

The Bank’s Investment Maintenance Program (BNDES PSI) has played an important role in the excellent performance this year. With competitive interest rates geared mainly for the acquisition of machinery and equipment, the BNDES PSI disbursed R$ 75.6 billion in the last 12 months, up 133%.

In the same 12-month period, the BNDES' new loan approvals totaled R$ 282.5 billion (up 65%); eligibilities, R$ 291.6 billion (up 37%); and consultations, R$ 317.5 billion (up 37%).


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