BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES disburses R$ 11.2 billion in the first quarter. Approvals increase 11% and reach R$ 16 billion

Apr 24, 2018

 Disbursements for March reached R$ 4.3 billion

 In the period, MSMEs still received more than half of the resources disbursed. The segment is the focus of the Bank’s Flat Rate, which comes into force this Tuesday

 Infrastructure stands out in disbursements (36% of the total) and in approvals for new financing (41% of the total)


The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) disbursed R$ 4.3 billion in March, a 47% increase in relation to the previous month. With the best monthly result in the year, BNDES’s disbursements reached R$ 11.2 billion in the first three months of 2018. In the first quarter, approvals for new financing operations also increased 11% in relation to the same period last year, a result of the Bank’s efforts to accelerate the pace of its operations.

Since the end of last year, BNDES has undergone a new strategic planning, which had a new organizational structure as one of its results. Among the new features is the redefinition of the roles of each board of directors, including one dedicated to digitalization — which aims to optimize and expedite the implementation of the Bank’s processes and products — and another aimed at the promotion and prospecting for new businesses.

Still within this context, BNDES’s Flat Rate, announced last April as an alternative to the Long-Term Rate (TLP) for enterprises that want more predictability in their financing, comes into force this Tuesday, 24. The Flat Rate applies, at first, to financing from BNDES Giro, with term of up to 5 years, contracted by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (annual revenues of up to R$ 300 million).

These enterprises already account for more than half of BNDES’s disbursements, having received just over 54% of the resources, or R$ 6.1 billion, in the first quarter. This result is in line with the conclusion of the study A atuação histórica do BNDES: o que os dados têm a nos dizer? [The historical performance of BNDES: what can be inferred from the data?], released by the Bank on Monday, 23, and which indicates that the participation of MSMEs in BNDES’s disbursements for the last 30 years more than doubled. 

Infrastructure – The growth of approvals from BNDES in the quarter was led by the infrastructure sector, which accounted for 41%, or R$ 6.6 billion, of the new operations approved by BNDES, in the total amount of R$ 16 billion. The sector was also the one that received the most resources from the Bank from January to March this year, corresponding to R$ 4 billion, or 36% of the total disbursed. 

The energy segment, mainly investments in wind farms in the Northeast region, which received R$ 2 billion in the quarter and R$ 13.6 billion in the last 12 months ended in March, grew 15% in relation to the previous 12 months.

In other sectors supported by BNDES, disbursements were R$ 2.7 billion in agriculture (24.4%), R$ 2.6 billion (23.5%) for trade and services and R$ 1.8 billion (15.9%) for Industry.

In that accumulated between April 2017 and March 2018, BNDES disbursed R$ 66.8 billion, of which R$ 25.9 billion were intended for infrastructure projects, 3% higher than the amount disbursed for the sector in the 12 preceding months.

BNDES’s Performance Bulletin 


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