BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES disburses R$ 70.8 bi in 2017. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises have record participation

Jan 30, 2018

Small-sized enterprises received 42% of the total, driven by working capital (164% increase) and acquisition of machinery and equipment (11% increase)

In the sectors, infrastructure stands out: 4% growth in disbursements and 29% growth in the approval of funding for new projects

Green economy, which includes renewable energy projects, public transport and agricultural improvements, had a slight 1% increase.


The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) disbursed R$ 70.8 billion last year. The disbursements for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) grew 9% and reached R$ 29.7 billion. This value represents 42% of the total and is an all-time record of participation of enterprises of this size in BNDES’ performance. 

Part of the expressive performance of MSMEs in BNDES is due to the working capital financing, which the Bank intensified last year to support the enterprises, especially small-sized ones going through the economic crisis. R$ 7.1 billion were disbursed for this purpose, 164% higher than the amount disbursed in 2016. The numbers include the BNDES Giro program, released in August, and its predecessor, BNDES PROGEREN.

The performance of the BNDES Finame line, which finances the acquisition of machinery and equipment and for which disbursements grew 11%, reaching R$ 19.7 billion, also contributed to the result. The BNDES Automatic line, which supports investment projects of up to R$ 20 million, increased 40.5%, totaling R$ 15.2 billion disbursed in 2017.

Sectors – In 2017, the sector which stood out the most in BNDES’ performance was infrastructure, which showed a 4% growth in disbursements, reaching R$ 26.9 billion in disbursements. The most significant growth was recorded in the new approvals for the financing of infrastructure projects in Brazil, which increased 29% from 2016 and totaled R$ 29.7 billion.

The agricultural sector also stood out: disbursements grew 3%, reaching R$ 14.4 billion, and inquiries (first phase of a request for funding from BNDES) reached R$ 16.8 bi, with a 6% growth. In 2017, R$ 15 billion were disbursed to the industrial sector and R$ 14.5 billion to the trade and services sector. 

Green economy – Since 2012, BNDES also monitors disbursements for the so-called green economy. This group includes development projects allied with sustainable growth. In this segment, BNDES’ disbursements remained stable in 2017, with a slight 1% increase compared to 2016. The disbursements of R$ 14.7 billion had renewable energy and energy efficiency projects as highlight (R$ 8.2 billion). Relevant disbursements also included, among others, public transport projects (R$ 1.9 billion) and agricultural improvements (R$ 1.1).


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