BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES disburses R$ 85 billion up to August

Oct 2, 2015

 • Infrastructure sector leads performance with R$ 31.6 billion
 • BNDES Card grows 10.6% in the period

The infrastructure sector led the disbursements from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) in the first eight months of the year with R$ 31.6 billion and participation of 37.3% in the total released. In second place comes industry with disbursements of R$ 25.2 billion (29.6%) from the total sum.

Total disbursements reached R$ 85 billion between January and August 2015, down 25% in the comparison with the same period in 2014. Approvals and inquiries recorded a decline of 45% and 49%, respectively, compared to the previous period.

One of the highlights in infrastructure was the electric power sector with releases of R$ 11.7 billion, up 18% in the comparison with January-August from last year.

Disbursements also grew in transport segments. In the category “other transports” alone, which includes financing for subway projects, disbursements rose 107% with R$ 4.8 billion released up to August this year.

MSMEs – Results show that the BNDES Card remains one of the Bank’s main assets this year. Disbursements through the Card, which is exclusive to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, reached R$ 7.8 billion up to August, some 10.6% above the amounts released in 2014 during the same period.

The good performance of the BNDES Card brought boosted the releases to MSMEs, which totaled R$ 25.3 billion in January-August last year. With this, smaller companies posted a participation of 29.7% in the Bank’s total disbursements. Considering the number of operations, these companies represented 97% of the total with 617,222 operations performed in the period.

In addition to improved access to credit for micro and small companies, the BNDES’ performance, this year, has recorded participation gains in the North and Northeast regions. Disbursements to this region reached R$ 19.6 billion in January-August 2015, representing 23.1% of the Bank’s total releases. In the same period in 2014, this participation was 18.1%.

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