BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES launches public notice in the amount of R$ 200 million to restore Amazon vegetation

Nov 17, 2017

The Amazon Fund makes a public call for projects totaling re-composition of at least three thousand hectares of vegetation cover
Indigenous and quilombola lands, legal reserves and permanent preservation areas in small properties are among the ones benefited 
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), manager of the Amazon Fund, this Thursday, 16, made a public call in the amount of R$ 200 million, non-reimbursable, to finance up to five restoration projects of the vegetation cover in the Legal Amazon area. The initiative aims to support the commitment of the Brazilian Government to the Paris Agreement (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) to restore and reforest 12 million hectares of forests by 2030. In addition, it contributes to the environmental regularization required by the Brazilian Forest Code (Law 12,651/2012). 
Only civil associations, cooperatives and private foundations that have the following projects will be able to participate in the public call:
  • Nature Conservation Unit, of ownership or public domain;
  • Legal Reserve and area of Permanent Preservation in Agrarian reform settlements or quilombola territories;
  • Indigenous lands, and;
  • Legal Reserve and areas of Permanent Preservation in small properties or land tenure of up to 4 fiscal modules.
Public notice - In each project the total area to be restored should be of at least three thousand hectares, with the possibility of accounting for discontinuous areas. The deadline for the implementation of the proposals is 60 months. The proposals must be submitted to BNDES by June 8, 2018. Those accredited will be announced as of August 29, and the final result will be disclosed as of October 13, 2018. In addition to the five projects approved, there will be a reservation record of up to 5 proposals. The announcement of the public call is available from the Amazon Fund page (in portuguese)
COP 23 - This new public call was announced this Thursday, 16, by the Managing Director of the BNDES socio-environmental division, Marilene Ramos, during the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP23, in Bonn, Germany. Marilene participated in the panel “Amazon Fund: contributing to the achievement of the Brazilian goals” in Espaço Brasil at COP23. 
According to the National Plan for the recovery of Native Vegetation (Planaveg), established by the Ministry of the Environment, on the 14th, the restoration of native vegetation brings several economic, social and environmental benefits, including:
  • Increase in the supply of products from the standing forest; 
  • Reduction of the risks of landslides and silting of rivers and wetlands; 
  • Creation of jobs in the countryside (seed collection, seedling production, planting, maintenance, technical assistance and rural extension);
  • Poverty reduction and increase in the income between small and medium-sized farmers;
  • Increase in local biodiversity;
  • Increase in the carbon stock and sequestration, which contributes to mitigate and adapt the effects of climate change;
  • Improvement of water supply, mainly in urban centers;
  • Reduction of the risks associated with natural disasters and extreme weather events, such as landslides and floods;
Record - The registration of rural properties in the Rural Environmental Record (CAR) – when the landowners should report the area that needs restoration of the vegetation cover – is in its final phase. In 2018, a new phase begins, one in which the restoration activities of the vegetation cover will be developed across the country.
The Paris Agreement was approved in December 2015 by countries that are part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to contain the global average temperature increase, up to 2°C compared with pre-industrial levels. 
Vegetation restoration is included among the measures to achieve the Brazilian goal of reducing  37% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, compared with 2005 levels. The Brazilian goal to restore the vegetation cover is 12 million hectares and is equivalent to an area four times larger than the area of Belgium.


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