BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES launches web series on YouTube to discuss environmental sustainability

Nov 3, 2020

 Entrepreneurs, investors, executives, financial market professionals and the general public interested in issues related to environmental sustainability will have, from today, November 3, the opportunity to follow qualified technical content on BNDES YouTube channel. The web series BNDES Verde (BNDES Green) will be a weekly production in debate format featuring, in each episode, an expert guest in the field. This is BNDES’s first experience with a web series.

Presented by BNDES president Gustavo Montezano, the web series will have four episodes in its first season: the first two discuss concession and preservation of parks, and the other two address green finances. It aims to mobilize people, companies and the public sector in support of environmental sustainability, increasing technical knowledge on the topics and generating engagement in innovative financial projects and products. Interviews will be posted every Tuesday at 6pm on BNDES’s social network channel

Launched two weeks after BNDES Green Week, Montezano explains that the web series reinforces BNDES’s commitment to Brazil’s economic and environmental sustainability. “By connecting private market, public administrators, third sector and researchers, we seek to find solutions that will allow us to use, in a sustainable manner, and care for the Brazilian environmental heritage.”

In the first episode, Montezano talks with Pedro Passos, co-founder of Natura, and Fernando Pieroni, CEO of Semeia Institute, to discuss what makes the concession of parks an attractive opportunity for investors and the society. International experience in granting concessions and preserving parks is the topic of the second episode, featuring Jim Barborak, from the University of Colorado, and Jo Pendry, park consultant for the World Bank and former chief of the concession function for the US Park Service.

The third episode will have a talk with Sylvia Coutinho, president of UBS Brasil, about green finance and the country’s potential to lead the topic. In the fourth episode, Montezano welcomes Vincent Gradt, executive director, and Nick Oakes, investment director in Brazil of Mirova Natural Capital. On the agenda are both green finance and investments of social and environmental impact.

The interviews were conducted using a video conferencing tool, resulting in a distance interview model that follows a worldwide trend, consolidated with the social distancing imposed by Covid-19. In early October, BNDES Verde Week also fostered debates in the virtual environment.

The commitment to sustainable development is part of BNDES’s strategic orientation and constitutes its mission. To guide its initiatives in this field, BNDES has specific policies and a governance structure for the topic.

About BNDES – Founded in 1952 and currently linked to the Ministry of Economy, BNDES is the main instrument of the Federal Government to promote long-term investments in the Brazilian economy. Its actions focus on the socioenvironmental and economic impact in Brazil. BNDES offers special conditions for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as social investment lines, directed at education and health, family agriculture, sanitation and urban transport. In crisis situations, BNDES acts in an anticyclical manner and assists in formulating solutions for resuming economic growth.


Web series BNDES Verde, on BNDES’s YouTube channel

Watch the web series’ teaser.


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