BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES mobilizes R$ 400 million in a credit fund for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises

Apr 26, 2021

 The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) will make a contribution of R$ 225 million to another credit fund. The Receivables Investment Fund (FIDC) Captalys MPME will offer financing to micro-, small- and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises (MSME) through the electronic platform of Tomático, a fintech company. The projection is that 22,400 MSMEs and independent professionals from various sectors will benefit.

The initiative takes place under the Public Call for Credit Funds for MSMEs, launched in May 2020. FIDC Captalys MPME will receive funds from BNDES through subscription quotas of the fund. The operation will also receive a R$ 167 million contribution from the Captalys Orion FIC FIM CP4 Fund and R$ 8 million from Captalys itself, R$ 400 million in mobilized capital.

The first credit fund to receive investments from BNDES was CashMe-Plural, which received a R$ 487 million contribution from BNDES at the beginning of March. In total, nine other FIDCs will be able to obtain support, totaling up to R$ 4 billion. With the public call, BNDES estimates to reach around 100,000 companies, with financing through card machines, via marketplace or fintech, even if the entrepreneur is not banked.

The expansion of credit through alternative channels is a global trend and is in line with the social purpose of BNDES. The bank may have a stake of up to 90% of the capital of each fund, within the limit of R$ 500 million each. The resources must be applied in business in Brazil.

Bruno Laskowsky, Director of Capital Markets and Indirect Credit at BNDES, points out that “the FIDCs promoted by BNDES represent an innovative initiative with a long-term structuring role. Through the expansion of credit channels to small- and medium-sized Brazilian businesses, they complement the supply of credit provided by the financial system and thus strengthen the emergency measures conducted by the Bank during the pandemic.”

For FIDC Captalys MPME, the average value of loans is expected to be R$ 70,000 and the final cost to the client of up to 2.53% per month, considerably below 4%, the cost limit required in the call’s notice. The average term of operations should be 24 months.

“This new model of action gains even more relevance and importance in the face of the difficulties caused by the pandemic, which requires that we distribute resources to generate the greatest benefits for the largest number of people, regardless of whether they are sustainable credit borrowers, with fair prices, terms and conditions, or investors in credit portfolios, looking for stable profitability, both with key roles to make the economy grow again and with strength,” notes Margot Greenman, CEO of Captalys. “We at Captalys are very proud to lead this movement that recognizes that credit is a common good,” she adds.

Learn how FIDCs can be an instrument for expanding access to credit

Access the Public Call

About BNDES – Founded in 1952 and currently linked to the Ministry of Economy, BNDES is the main instrument of the Federal Government to promote long-term investments in the Brazilian economy. BNDES’s actions focus on the socioenvironmental and economic impact in Brazil. BNDES offers special conditions for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as social investment lines, directed at education and health, family agriculture, sanitation and urban transport. In situations of crisis, BNDES acts in an anticyclical manner and assists in the formulation of solutions for the resumption of economic growth.

About Captalys – Captalys is the first and largest manager focused exclusively on private credit in Brazil with the ability to originate, operationalize, manage and monitor millions of credit assets, helping companies and people to access capital and investors to monetize their capital in a sustainable way and with a positive impact on the real economy. Click here for more information

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