BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES provides R$ 28.9 million in support to innovative pharmaceutical firm

Jul 26, 2012

  • Recepta Biopharma works uses biotechnology to produce medicine used in treating cancer

The BNDES has approved financial support for Recepta Biopharma S.A. in the amount of R$ 28.9 million. The company employs biotechnology to produce pharmaceutical products used in treating cancer, a high-tech sector with the potential to generate benefits for society as a whole. BNDESPAR, the BNDES’ corporate shareholding arm, will subscribe the company’s shares, holding a part of its capital.

Resources will be including in the company’s capital and used ot implement its business plan, focusing on research and development of new medicine to treat cancer, produced using biotechnology. Recepta was founded in 2006 through a partnership formed between Brazilian investors and researchers, and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, a renowned non-profit international research institute.

Medicine being developed by Recepta are monoclonal antibodies (“mAbs” or “moAbs”), protein capable of recognizing and binding themselves to specific targets in the tumor cells compromising their survival. Due to this feature, the “mAbs” are different from regular treatment with drugs obtained through chemical synthesis which act on cells in the organism that are multiplying quickly. The more focused action reduces the regular side effects which are common in tumor patients. The company’s successful technological development of the medicine will allow revenues from licensing of its antibodies to pharmaceutical companies, which, in their turn, will finalize the development of the medicine.

RebMab 100, one of the antibodies developed by the company has already registered promising results in a Phase II clinical trial in patients with ovary tumors. For this reason, it has been classified as an “orphan drug” by the FDA, the US government body that regulates the pharmaceutical sector. This classification is given to medicine that show potential in combating sickness for which there is no other treatment. The classification will make it possible to speed up the approval process of the drug and facilitate Access to resources to continue developing the drug, besides guaranteeing more favorable conditions for patent protection in the US.

Recepta currently has 36 collaborators and its business plan forecasts staff of 53 professionals in the medium term. The company has established partnerships with universities and research institutions, such as the Butantan Institute (INCA), the São Paulo State Cancer Institute (ICESP), and the Medical School of the University of São Paulo (USP), besides foreign institutions, including the Sloan School of Management of M.I.T and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

Merits - Recepta’s efforts may result in the production of medicine at a technological level never seen before in Brazil. One of the necessary stages in producing these antibodies for use in humans is clinical trials in therapy against cancer, which was carried out for the first time in the country.

Another highlight of the operation is the possibility of reducing the vulnerability of the Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS), by developing locally produced medicine – currently imported at a high cost – which may even have a positive effect on the country’s trade balance. The company’s success will also open up access for the Brazilian population to more efficient treatment against several strains of cancer.


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