BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES renews Profarma and expands support to biotechnology

Apr 11, 2013

• In addition to renewing the BNDES Profarma, with an allocation of R$ 5 billion, the Inova Saúde-Medical Equipment was launched today, with R$ 600 million

On April 11, the President of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Luciano Coutinho, announced the renewal of the BNDES Support Program to Develop the Industrial Health Sector (BNDES Profarma).

In its third phase, the program will have an allocation of R$ 5 billion, will be valid until 2017 and will introduce a new subprogram, Profarma-Biotechnology. Profarma III will focus on developing and producing biotechnological products and will support structured R&D and innovation plans in the health sector.

The announcement was made during the 4th meeting of the Executive Committee and Competitiveness Council of the Health Sector, held at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp). Fernando Pimentel, the Minister of Development, Industry and Trade (MDIC), Marco Antonio Raupp, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), and Alexandre Padilha, the Minister of Health (MS) attended the event.

Inova Saúde During the event, the Inova Saúde – Medical Equipment was also launched, which is a joint plan between the BNDES, Finep and the Ministry of Health to support technological innovation in the sector of medical equipment and health technology.

The basic objective of the plan is to strengthen the Brazilian medical equipment industry, to develop and produce new medical equipment and devices, as well as mastering priority technology aimed at meeting the demands for health in Brazil.

Inova Saúde – Medical Equipment is within the scope of Inova Empresa, announced by President Dilma Rousseff in March, and will have an allocation of R$ 600 million, of which R$ 275 million will come from the BNDES, an equal amount from Finep, and R$ 50 million from the Ministry of Health.

The program will be operationalized through a joint call-to-bid in which projects will be assessed by a committee comprising members from the three institutions.

Some of the high priorities for Inova Saúde – Medical Equipment will be the development of strategic equipment for the Unified Health System (SUS) — such as those used in intensive care, kidney dialysis and radiotherapy — and diagnostic imaging equipment using ultrasound technology, for example.

Profarma III The new subprogram Profarma-Biotechnology is aimed at supporting investments to boost local competitiveness in research, development and production of products for human health, based on modern biotechnology. That means developing a Brazilian biotechnology industry, by strengthening the R&D chain of new products.

The BNDES Profarma has 88 approved/contracted operations, with total financing of some R$ 1.9 billion.

Of this total, some 46% (R$ 856 million) is earmarked to finance production, 31% (R$ 582 million) for innovation, 18% (R$ 347 million) to restructure companies and 5% (R$ 100 million) for exports.

The BNDES Profarma's portfolio is even larger, with a total of 97 projects, among  them contracted, approved, under analysis, eligible and under consultation, in the amount of R$ 5 billion in investments and some R$3 billion in financing.


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