BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDES supports modernization of urban security in São Bernardo do Campo (SP)

Dec 10, 2020

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) approved a financing operation of R$ 25 million for the implementation of a set of investments in public security initiatives in the city of São Bernardo do Campo (SP). The support of BNDES corresponds to 90 % of the total value of a R$ 27.5 million project. The initiatives are characterized by the intensive use of technology and priority application in regions of the city that have high rates of crime and social vulnerability.

The quantitative results expected by 2026 are a 15 % reduction in vehicle thefts and 3.3 % in cargo thefts; an increase from 17.7 % to 30 % in the number of crimes identified by surveillance cameras installed in public areas, in relation to total reports; 60 % index range of patrol actions based on georeferenced information; and the decrease in the average time to attend reports from 15 to 10 minutes.
The project foresees the delivery of the elaboration of the Municipal Public Security Plan together with the update of violence diagnosis and the implementation of the Municipal Security Observatory. Aiming at the modernization of the command and control system, 350 new monitoring cameras will be installed in public areas. Six drones will also be purchased to cover major events and environmental inspections, and 400 alarm centers will be implemented.
Located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, part of the ABC region, the city has 838,000 inhabitants and is part of the group of 120 cities that concentrated 50 % of homicides in Brazil in 2017, according to the 2019 Atlas of Violence published by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and the Brazilian Forum on Public Security (FBSP).
The support of BNDES to public security – BNDES’s new public security support strategy adopts a contemporary approach that prioritizes violence prevention and focuses on efficient and intelligent investments, based on successful national and international experiences. In the new conception, public policies are more proactive and should be focused on and implemented through integrated actions. The policy models adopted are based on evidence of impact and the reports of the implemented initiatives.
In 2020, BNDES has already supported public security projects in Teresina (PI), Jundiaí (SP) and Porto Alegre (RS), the last two were newly hired.
The actions defined in these projects are aligned with the objectives of the National Public Security and Social Defense Policy (PNSPDS), established in 2018 under the Unified Public Security System (Susp), which aims to strengthen the actions of cities in the prevention of crime and violence, through urban reorganization and social defense measures.
BNDES, by supporting these projects, acts as an important inducer for the consolidation of the municipal sphere as a structuring axis for improving the safety of Brazilian cities.
Investments in projects to improve the efficiency and quality of public security intelligence services in Brazilian cities are one of the main deliveries of BNDES to society by 2022, established in the strategic guidelines of its Three-Year Plan, presented to the public in December 2019. 
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