BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

BNDESPAR and Belgian development agency will transfer capital to investment fund

Jan 18, 2013

• BNDES and SFPI will be partners in the Performa Key Investment Fund for Environmental Innovation

The BNDES and the Belgian development agency, Société Fédérale de Participations et d´Investissement (SFPI), entered into an investment agreement to formally employ resources form BNDESPAR (BNDES’ equity branch) and SFPI in the Performa Key Investment Fund for Environmental Innovation.

The investment agreement was signed on January 16 by the BNDES’ managing director of the international division, Luiz Eduardo Melin, and by SFPI’s chairman, Koen Van Loo. This is the first time that a European development agency has carried out a joint investment with the BNDESPAR in a fund. The company selected to manage this was Performa Investimentos Ltda., with the support of Keyassociados, an environmental technical consultancy agency.

Within the scope of the signed investment agreement, the BNDES expects to strengthen ties with the Belgian development agency and to foster a long-term relationship between the two entities.

About the Fund – The Performa Key Investment Fund for Environmental Innovation will have an initial committed equity of R$ 155 million; BNDESPAR will have a share of up to R$ 135 million and the SFPI will invest R$ 5 million, whose total investment may reach R$ 20 million.

The aim is to obtain capital gains and other income through long-term investments in start-up companies with an innovative profile and which can bring high return, providing them with appropriate management support.

The fund will invest, preferably, in small and medium-sized companies directly or indirectly related to the sectors of energy efficiency, smart grid, waste water treatment, and solid waste management. A third of the Fund's portfolio will be employed in small companies with a revenue of up to R$ 16 million.

Investments will be made throughout the course of 2013 and will extend until 2016. Performa Investimentos Ltda is already seeking investment opportunities in environmental innovation.

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