BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

CEB Distribuição is sold for R$ 2.5 billion, with expected investments of R$ 5 billion

Dec 4, 2020

The Governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, stressed that the company recovery would require a lot of investment and that the state should focus on services such as quality education, health and public transportation. “This energy distribution activity will certainly be much better in charge of the private sector,” he said.

CEB-D serves more than one million consumer units, with about three million people, in an area of 5,800 km2. The company failed to attend many regulatory parameters related to quality in the provision of services and economic and financial robustness, which generated a risk of loss of concession to provide the service. If the concession was canceled, in addition to losing the opportunity to monetize the asset, CEB-D would have a prospective debt of R$ 1 billion.
Facing the prospect of non-compliance with the technical-operational and economic-financial sustainability indicators and as a way to make the concession maintenance feasible, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) gave the company three years to achieve balance, starting from August 2020; however, such deadline was conditioned to transferring its control to the private sector. The change of management to a private group could improve CEB-D investment capability, consequently achieving all operational parameters and providing the best service to the population. “The company will offer consumers a service that actually has to be delivered,” said Marisete Pereira, executive secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
“In about 11 months we completed an extremely well-founded privatization,” said CEB-D President, Edison Garcia, in relation to the speed and quality of the operation. Governor Ibaneis Rocha also emphasized the role of BNDES in the process: “I sought BNDES certain that, in addition to giving credibility to the auction, it would provide us with a know-how that we did not have,” he said.
More information off the process is avaiable here. 
Data on BNDES structuring projects are available here.
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