BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

Disbursements from the BNDES up to November reach R$ 162 billion and reflect stability

Dec 23, 2014

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) disbursed R$ 162.3 billion in the first 11 months of 2014, reflecting stability compared to the performance in the same period last year. The result up to November also shows a release value similar to the R$ 190 billion in 2013.

The infrastructure sector remained in the spotlight, reaching R$ 58.1 billion up to November, which is equivalent to a disbursement raise of 10% compared to the same period in the previous year. Approvals for the segment also increased by 21%, reaching R$ 66.4 billion in 11 months.

Another highlight in disbursements were innovation projects, one of the BNDES’ priorities. Between January and November, the Bank released to the sector R$ 4.9 billion, improving the amount by 32% compared to the same period in 2013. The increased demand came from innovation projects in PSI, the Investment Maintenance Program, with disbursements of R$ 2.2 billion up to November.

The BNDES Card also showed a good performance as it consolidated growth that began when it was created in 2003. Disbursements amounted to R$ 10.4 billion, an increase of 15% compared to the same period from the previous year for 718,000 operations, which involved 203,000 companies. Currently, the Card has nine issuing banks (Banco do Brasil, Banrisul, Bradesco, BRDE, Caixa Econômica Federal, Itaú, Santander, Sicoob and Sicredi), accounting for 675,000 cards issued, distributed throughout 97.9% of Brazilian cities.

Regarding other segments in the BNDES’ portfolio – industry, farming, trade and services – disbursements from the Bank totaled, respectively, R$ 44.6 billion, R$ 14.9 billion and R$ 44.7 billion up to November. In the first two segments, there was a drop of 10% in the first 11 months of the year, and in trade and services an increase of 2%.

Approvals reached R$ 44.8 billion (down 34%) for industry, R$ 14.8 billion (a drop of 9%) for farming and R$ 47.9 billion (a fall of 11%) to the trade and services sector.


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