BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

Initiative of BNDES and FINEP to innovate the mineral industry will allocate R$ 500 million to the sector

Apr 19, 2017

First selection of the Inova Mineral plan, which stimulates innovations in the area of mining and mineral processing, approves 24 business plans for support via credit and non-reimbursable funds

Selected projects totaled investments of R$ 737 million and highlight actions directed to environmental sustainability and development of high-performance materials

The first selection of Inova Mineral, initiative of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and of the Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (FINEP) to support projects of research, development and innovation in the area of mining and mineral processing, approved 24 business plans that totaled investments of R$ 737 million. Most projects focus on the mitigation of environmental risks and impacts of the mining activity, such as the development of smart sensor systems for monitoring of dams. Recovery plans and reuse of mineral activity waste in other products were also selected. The ten initiatives total a little more than R$ 200 million in investments that may contribute to the development of the mining industry with more safety, reducing the risk of accidents.

The highest volume of investments, slightly more than R$ 400 million, will be allocated to five business plans focused on high-performance materials, including minerals called “bearers of the future.” An example is the project of a technological platform of graphene, super-hard carbon form with applications in different industrial segments and that has been considered one of the main raw materials of future technologies. Other project selected in this area is a pilot plant with permanent magnets made from metallic alloys of a specific group of so-called rare earth minerals, which are widely used in electronic and electromechanical industries.

Financial support – Of the total of R$ 737 million in investments expected in the 24 selected plans, R$ 502 million will be financed by BNDES and FINEP. Of that amount, 24% are non-reimbursable funds. The approved projects were selected from 41 business plans submitted between September 1st and November 1st, 2016, involving 60 organizations (companies and scientific institutions). The selection was based on criteria, such as the degree of innovation and technological development of the proposal as well as its potential to generate economic, social and environmental benefits. The financial capacity and the bidders’ execution was also evaluated.

In addition to the projects focused on environmental sustainability and high-performance materials, Inova Mineral selected business plans in three other themes: mineral process technologies for competitiveness and market decentralization; densification of the chain via development and absorption of technologies; and extension of the phosphate and potassium offer and reduction of fertilizer trade deficit. In this last category, there was an emphasis on encapsulated fertilizer development plans which are more efficient, and on mineral sources alternatives for the fertilizer industry.

Inova Mineral aims to stimulate the development of new technologies as a way to further expand the competitiveness of the mining and mineral processing sector, which accounted for about 25% of Brazilian exports in the last ten years. Innovations that can improve the production and trading of the mining products, as well as mitigating their environmental impact, are important to benefit from the Brazilian geological potential, largely unexplored. The sector and the associated logistics projects are also strategic for the country because they are responsible for large investment attraction and for the supply of inputs for basic industries and consumer goods.

Second step – With a total budget of almost R$ 1.2 billion, Inova Mineral will make a second selection of business plans, as was already provided for in the public notice. Proposals will be received between May 15 and July 14. The result shall be released in late October. Those interested will be able to know the results of the first step and obtain information about the second selection in the encounter “Strategic Foci to Support the Mining and Metallurgical Sector,” which will be held on May 3, at 2:15 p.m., in the Auditorium of BNDES (Avenida República do Chile 330, Torre Oeste, 8th floor, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil). Registrations can be requested by the e-mail indicating name and individual taxpayer registry of the participants.

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