BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

Modeled by BNDES, the Macapá lighting PPP project is auctioned at a 61% discount

Oct 7, 2020

 The public-private partnership (PPP) project for the public lighting of Macapá (state of Amapá), structured with technical support from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), was auctioned on Wednesday, 7, in a public session held at the city. The Consortium Luz de Macapá, formed by the companies Enel X Brasil, Mobit and Selt Engenharia proposal was the winner at a discount of 61% in relation to the maximum limit defined in the Notice. The group defeated four other bidders with a proposal of R$ 429,276.33 of maximum monthly consideration. After the conclusion of the analysis stage of the consortium's qualification documents and ratification of the event, the concession contract is signed and will be in force for 20 years.

The future concessionaire of the lighting park will be responsible for the modernization, expansion and maintenance of the municipal public lighting network, with investments estimated at R$ 100 million. The concessionaire will have two years to replace the approximately 34,000 lighting points with LED (light emitting diode) lamps, with greater energy efficiency, which will reduce the municipality's energy consumption by approximately 47%. 

With the concession of the service, direct positive impacts on the population’s perception of safety and quality of life are expected, in addition to boosting tourism in the municipality with the implementation of prominent lighting projects in tourist spots and historical monuments in the city.

BNDES and the structuring of PPPs in public lighting – The Macapá project is part of the portfolio of BNDES’s support program for municipalities to develop PPPs in the public lighting sector. The program currently has seven projects, three of which have already been auctioned: Teresina, Porto Alegre and Vila Velha. Petrolina had the notice launched last week, with the public session to open the envelopes scheduled for November 18. In addition to these projects, Curitiba and Caruaru are in the study phase.

The projects modeled by BNDES together add up to more than 500,000 public lighting points and will bring better quality public service to more than 5 million people. With the concession of the service, direct positive impacts are expected on the population's perception of security and quality of life, enhancing tourism and improving the dynamism in the local economic activity. In addition, modernization by LED technology provides energy efficiency gains of around 50%, reducing the municipality's energy bill and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Through the PPP, the services of modernization, efficiency, expansion, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure of the municipal public lighting network are delegated to a single private partner, whose remuneration will be linked to operational performance indexes and achievement of modernization goals. The contracts include the implementation of intelligent operation and remote monitoring systems – using a technology known as remote management – in the public lighting of roads with the highest flow of vehicles and other points of interest in the city.

Another relevant item considered in the projects is the private partner's obligation to implement specific lighting projects in previously defined monuments and tourist spots, in order to give greater prominence to these locations.

BNDES’s public lighting program has achieved wide market recognition, highlighting the title of best modeling of the year at the PPP Awards & Conference Brazil 2019 for the project carried out in partnership with the city of Teresina (state of Piauí).


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