BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

New website of the Amazon Fund allows monitoring of the application of R$ 1.7 billion in 96 supported projects

Apr 19, 2018

On, citizens have access to project summary, date of approval, hiring, release schedule and percentage of execution

Effectiveness indicators are also available. Among the results, there are 30,000 indigenous people supported in 63% of indigenous lands of the Amazon


The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) released a new version of the Amazon Fund’s website , through which citizens can monitor the implementation of all the projects in the portfolio, including date of approval, hiring, disbursement schedule, percentage of execution and final evaluation of projects, in the case of those already completed. The new tool is another step from BNDES, manager of the Amazon Fund, to give transparency to the application of funds that it manages, as it already does in its institutional portal

The new website of the Amazon Fund allows one to filter the search for projects by themes (settlements, indigenous lands, protected areas, sustainable production, etc.), by the nature of those responsible for its execution (States, municipalities, Union, third sector, universities, etc.) and by federated units. 

In total, the Amazon Fund has 96 supported projects in the portfolio, with a total value of R$ 1.7 billion; and 873 million, or little more than 50%, has already been disbursed. Among the projects that can be monitored on the website is the APIWTXA – Ashaninka Association of the Amônia River, in Acre, which was the first contract of the Amazon Fund signed directly with an indigenous people, without intermediation of the public sector or NGOs. With 93% of execution, the project has already benefited 1,300 people, including Indians from the Kampa Lands of the Amônia River and Kaxinawá-Ashaninka of the Breu River, in addition to non indigenous from the Alto Juruá Extractive Reserve.

The Amazon Fund — which completes ten years of existence in 2018— has received donations of R$ 3.2 billion, with most of them from the Norwegian and German governments, through the KfW Development Bank, in addition to Petrobras (the history of donations is also available on the website). Funds are applied by BNDES, under the coordination of the Ministry of the Environment, to preventive actions, monitoring and combating deforestation, conservation promotion and sustainable use of the Brazilian Amazon and other Brazilian biomes. 

On the website one can still verify monitoring indicators and evaluation of the projects supported by the Fund. Since 2008, the initiative has already supported projects in 63% of indigenous lands of the Amazon, directly benefiting 30,000 indigenous people. In total, 142,000 people have been benefited with sustainable productive activities, and R$ 122 million were obtained in revenues with the trading of products.

The latest agreement signed by the Fund is from April this year in the amount of R$ 140.3 million and aims to support the activities of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) regarding environmental monitoring and deforestation control in the Brazilian Amazon for 36 months, as of May 2018.

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