BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

Technical study financed by BNDES indicates Smart Cities, Health and Rural as priority areas for IoT

Jul 6, 2017

Conclusions of the work will subsidisee the National Plan for Internet of Things, which should be announced by the end of the year

Smart Cities, Health and Rural. These will be the priority targeting areas of initiatives and public policies for the development of Internet of Things (IoT) in Brazil, according to the conclusions of phase 2 of the technical study Internet of Things: an action plan for Brazil, which is headed by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications (MCTIC).
In addition to these three areas, segments of basic industries (Oil & Gas and Mining) and manufacturing industries (Textile and Automotive) were defined to compose the list of priorities such as mobilizing sectors for the industry in general. These four segments were chosen because of their relevance to the Brazilian economy and its innovation agenda already in progress.
Conclusions of the study – which is financed by BNDES and is being developed by a consortium led by the consulting firm McKinsey, with the participation of the CPqD Foundation and of the law firm Pereira Neto Macedo – will subsidize the National Plan for Internet of Things, which should be announced by MCTIC by the end of the year.
The aspiration of the National Plan for IoT, set from contributions from society received through the Internet and several discussion forums, is “To accelerate the implementation of Internet of Things as an instrument for the sustainable development of Brazilian society, able to increase the competitiveness of the economy, strengthen national productive chains and improve the quality of life.”
To reach a conclusion about the environments of Priority and Mobilizing Fronts, in addition to the aspiration the technical team has adopted criteria such as demand, supply and development capacity of each segment. In addition, international experiences were considered as well as public inquiries, events with experts, governance forums and digital research, which have been consolidated by the Management Study Committee.
In parallel, the horizontal work fronts which run through all selected segments were defined. They are: Human Capital; Investment, Financing and Promotion; Business Environment; Governance and Internationalization; Connectivity Infrastructure; Regulatory Aspects; Data Privacy and Data Security.
The third and last phase of the technical study is scheduled to end in September. In it, challenges will be mapped and the action plans of each work front proposed for the National Plan for IoT will be defined.
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