BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Oct 22, 2020
Sustainable development of the Amazon requires integrated vision and support for innovation
The government is inducing the association of private investors to the wide wealth of the region to raise environmental and social benefits, says Vice President Mourão The population of the Amazon expects opportunities and that entrepreneurs make investments, says Damares Alves, Minister of MMFDH
We want to support entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas and technologies,” said Montezano, President of BNDES
Oct 22, 2020
BNDES develops sustainable cycle with issuance of green financial bills
Bank raises R$ 1 billion by issuing bonds in the domestic market Fundraising leads to diversification of fund sources and encourages the market to invest in "green bonds”
Actions take place during Green BNDES Week
Oct 21, 2020
Green finances and sustainable investments offer a range of opportunities for Brazil
The Bank's business plan is completely tied to ESG targets, according to Bianca Nasser of BNDES · Companies that resist against the topic are rare, said Nadine Cavusoglu, managing director of the Emerging Markets Investors Alliance
· Covid-19 has shown that we are unable to respond well to shocks, assessed CBI vice-president Justine Leigh-Bell
Oct 20, 2020
PPP Cariacica: Aegea will universalize city sewage
Consortium offered a 38,13% discount over the amount provided for in the public notice Total investment in the 30-year contract is estimated at R$ 580 million
Second auction since new legal landmark once again attracted seven competitors

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