BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Sep 16, 2020
BNDES supports hospital in Campinas in the fight against covid-19
Hospital Santa Tereza will use the financing to fund up to 62 beds for patients with Covid-19
Sep 15, 2020
BNDES and Ministry of Mines and Energy reach agreement to bring clean energy to families in the Amazon
Institutions signed the document on Tuesday, 15 Focus is on the Federal Government's Mais Luz para a Amazônia Program
BNDES will raise international funds for the region
Sep 14, 2020
BNDES supports modernization of municipal management in Crato, state of Ceará
BNDES’s financing will increase tax collection and improve services rendered to the population
Sep 10, 2020
BNDES approves financing of fertilizer plant in Sete Lagoas, in Minas Gerais state
Support will contribute to increased food production in the country Increased production reduces dependence on imports
Project will generate 100 new jobs during implementation

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