BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Aug 28, 2020
PEAC exceeds R$ 20 billion in guaranteed credit and BNDES receives another R$ 5 billion from the Treasury
Program receives second contribution and may generate R$ 20 to 25 billion in guaranteed credits In two months, more than 26,000 companies have already benefited from the Emergency Credit Access Program
Aug 27, 2020
New operations of the payroll financing program begin today, now for a longer period and with expanded scope
Small- and medium-sized companies with annual revenues of up to R$ 50 million shall be included Payroll financing will be extended from two to four months
Loans can be applied for any bank participating in the program, not only the one that performs the company’s payment of salaries
Aug 27, 2020
BNDES selects responsible for studies to privatize the ports of Santos and São Sebastião
Private participation should expand investments and improve services in the largest port complex in Latin America, increasing its competitiveness Studies begin in September and shall be completed in 2021 with auction in 2022
The results of the studies and the privatization model will undergo consultations and public hearings in 2021
Aug 22, 2020
BNDES selects consortium responsible for postal service privatization studies
Over this Thursday the 20th, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) ratified the Postar consortium as the winner of the selection process to carry out the studies to indicate alternatives for partnership with the private sector to manage the postal service in Brazil.

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