BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Aug 2, 2020
To combat climate change in the areas of Sanitation and Solid Waste, BNDES receives R$ 350 million in funding from the Ministry of the Environment –Climate Fund
The fund has already allocated R$ 790 million to environmental preservation projects.The amount of carbon emissions saved by these investments are equivalent to the planting of 10 million trees.
May 15, 2020
BNDES profits reached R$ 5.5 billion in March 2019; emergency measures helped companies who employ 2.2 million people
Results surpass those of the previous quarter by a factor of 4.6, attributed mainly to the sale of shares Emergency measures grow, driven mainly by working-capital credit and payment suspensions; new measures are underway
Bank funding enables delivery of more than 3,000 hospital beds, 500,000 rapid tests and 1,500 vital sign monitors
Mar 11, 2020
BNDES sustains record profits and accelerates its support to the structuring of concession and privatization projects
Results represent a 164% growth in comparison to 2018 Sale of equity interests reaches R$ 16.5 billion, with a gross profit of R$ 11.4 billion
By year’s end, the Bank had supported the structuring of 57 concession and privatization projects, providing direct benefits to the Brazilian population
Oct 30, 2019
BNDES disburses R$ 38 billion between January and September
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for 97.5% of operations and 50.7% of the total disbursed in the period, the highest percentage share since 1995 The infrastructure sector stands out with 45.6% of the disbursement volume

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