BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Aug 31, 2017
BNDES is among the main supporters in the combat against diseases from poverty in Latin America
The BNDES portfolio has 12 projects contracted, totaling about R$ 250 million, which represents more than half of the non-reimbursable BNDES support in the health field
Aug 31, 2017
Federal Court grants injunction in favor of BNDESPAR and Caixa regarding the JBS meeting
The request was made by BNDES’s participation subsidiary, BNDESPAR and by Caixa Econômica Federal
Aug 15, 2017
BNDES’s credit for machinery and equipment increases 90% in July
Finame’s disbursements In June rose 28% in comparison with June last year. The 90% increase in July confirms the acceleration trend.
Aug 14, 2017
BNDES registers a net income of R$ 1.34 billion in the first half of this year
The 92.7% reduction of the spending on investment losses and the higher return provided by the variable income portfolio in the form of dividends, equity accounting and disposals, were the main contributions of the result of the shareholdings, originating mostly from the subsidiary of BNDESPAR holdings.

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