BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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May 12, 2017
BNDES registers a net income of R$ 373 million in the 1st quarter of 2017
In the credit and transfers portfolio, which reached R$ 592.7 billion, 96.2% of operations were classified between levels of AA and C, considered low risk in late March 2017. Additionally, the default, in the operations in general is at lower levels. The delay exceeding 30 days in the operations of the Bank retreated from 2.81% of the portfolio in 12/31/16 to 2.13% in 03.31.17.
May 11, 2017
BNDES approves first financing for generation of solar power in the amount of R$ 529,039 million
The Pirapora Solar Complex is the first solar power generation project financed by BNDES. According to the President of BNDES, Maria Silvia Bastos Marques, in accordance with her role of inductor of the economic development, in particular of projects with positive externalities – in this case the environmental –, the Bank allocates the best terms of credit to renewable energy projects.
May 9, 2017
BNDES gathers experiences from world development banks to start elaborating its long-term strategy
Four months after deeply reformulating its operational policies, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) begins the process of internal reflection that will lead to the development of a medium and long-term strategy, with guidelines until 2030. By the end of the year, a cycle of discussions involving the Bank’s technical staff will discuss what should be the role and performance of BNDES in an economy with low inflation and interest rates. The first step last Friday (05/05) was the accomplishment of the international seminar “The role of development banks in the present and in the future: experiences, opportunities and challenges,” organized in partnership with the World Bank, which gathered executives from eight international institutions and employees from BNDES, for a whole day. The event also marked the beginning of a series of activities to celebrate the 65 years of BNDES, which will be completed in June.
May 9, 2017
BNDES raises US$ 1 billion in green bonds on the international market
The bonds have features similar to conventional ones; however, the funds obtained will be destined for financing environmentally sustainable projects, certified by a company specialized in the environmental area. In the case of BNDES, they are aimed at new or already existing wind or solar generation projects in the portfolio of the Bank.

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