BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Jan 16, 2013
BNDES defines support conditions for highway concessions
The board of directors of the BNDES has approved the support conditions for the concession of the BR 116/MG and BR 040 highways, in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás as well as in the Federal District. The concessions are part of the 3rd stage – Phase 1 of the federal government’s Logistics Investment Program.
Jan 16, 2013
BNDES and Finep announce result of the Inova Petro’s first call-to-bid
The BNDES and Finep have finished the assessment phase of the Expression of Interest Letters in the Inova Petro’s first call–for-bid, a development program for innovation projects in goods and services supply chains in the oil & gas sector. The BNDES and Finep have received 62 projects from 38 companies.
Jan 14, 2013
BNDES supports sugarcane industry in MS, disbursing R$ 488.6 million
The BNDES has granted financial support to Adecoagro Vale do Ivinhema in the amount of R$ 488.6 million. Funding will be used to implement a new sugar and ethanol mill in the municipality of Ivinhema, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Jan 10, 2013
BNDES extends the support program to renew and develop new sugarcane fields until December
The BNDES’ Support Program to Renew and Develop New Sugarcane Fields (BNDES Prorenova) was extended to December 31 and will have a R$ 4 billion allocation. Launched in early 2012, the BNDES Prorenova is aimed at encouraging the production of sugarcane by financing the renewal of old sugarcane fields and expanding the cultivated area.

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