BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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Aug 20, 2012
BNDES posts profit of R$ 2.7 billion in the first half
The BNDES posted a net income of R$ 2.7 billion in the first half of 2012. In a period marked by the instability of financial markets and the weak performance of the stock markets, the fixed income segment was the main factor that contributed to the result.
Aug 13, 2012
BNDES, Finep and Petrobras sign a R$ 3 billion agreement to support suppliers in the oil & gas industry
The BNDES, Petrobras and the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP) have signed a technical cooperation agreement in the amount of R$ 3 billion to implement Inova Petro, a joint action plan to promote innovation projects in the supply chain of goods and services in the oil and natural gas industry.
Aug 9, 2012
BNDES approves R$131 million for the state of Paraná to reform the Baixada Stadium, in Curitiba
The BNDES approved R$ 131 million in financing to renovate and expand the Joaquim Américo Guimarães Stadium, also known as the Baixada Arena in Curitiba. The funds, which will be allocated to the state of Paraná, correspond to 73% of the total investment in the project, which will adapt equipment to criteria established by FIFA to host World Cup games in 2014.
Jul 26, 2012
BNDES provides R$ 28.9 million in support to innovative pharmaceutical firm
The BNDES has approved financial support for Recepta Biopharma S.A. in the amount of R$ 28.9 million. The company employs biotechnology to produce pharmaceutical products used in treating cancer, a high-tech sector with the potential to generate benefits for society as a whole. BNDESPAR, the BNDES’ corporate shareholding arm, will subscribe the company’s shares, holding a part of its capital.

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