Fiscal council: supervises the acts of the administrators and verifies the fulfillment of their legal and statutory duties; analyzes the quarterly financial statements of the BNDES; examines and issues an opinion on the semiannual financial statements of the institution, among other attributions.
Board of directors: this is our highest level of governance. Emits opinion on relevant issues of the country's economic and social development related to our actions; advises the president of the Bank on the general guidelines of its actions; approves the general policies and long-term action programs; expresses its opinion on the institution's financial statements, among other attributions. The president of the Board of Directors does not accumulate another executive function at the Bank.
Marcelo Serfaty (president)
Arthur Cesar Vasconcelos Koblitz
Fábio de Barros Pinheiro
Heloisa Belotti Bedicks
João Laudo de Camargo
Joisa Campanher Dutra Saraiva
Pedro Maciel Capeluppi
Sonia Consiglio Favaretto
Waldery Rodrigues Junior
Walter Baere de Araújo Filho
Risk committee: proposes recommendations to the Board of Directors on policies, strategies and limits of risk and capital management, stress test program, business continuity management policy, contingency plan for liquidity and capital; assesses risk appetite levels; analyzes the BNDES risk environment, among other attributions.
Auditing Committee: decides on the hiring and dismissal of the
independent auditor; reviews, prior to publication, the half-yearly financial statements; evaluates the effectiveness and supervises the activities of the independent auditors and the internal audit; monitors the quality and integrity of the internal independent auditor; reviews, prior to publication, the half-yearly financial statements; evaluates the effectiveness and supervises the activities of the independent auditors and the internal audit; monitors the quality and integrity of the internal control mechanisms, the financial statements and the information disclosed by the BNDES; evaluates and monitors risk exposures of the Bank.
Personnel, Eligibility, Succession and Remuneration Committee: it is the body of advisement to the controlling shareholder and to the Board of Directors in the processes of appointment, evaluation, succession and remuneration of managers, fiscal council members and other members of statutory bodies.
Strategy Management Committee: directs the corporate strategy and monitors the performance of key strategic management indicators.
Operations Planning Committee: monitors operational matters, the performance of internal management indicators, and the main variables of the external environment that directly or indirectly affect the Bank’s management.
Follow-up of External Inspection and Control Demands: follows and monitors external demands, providing governance to the elaboration of answers.
Reputational Risk on Operations Committee: monitors issues related to reputational risk of non-refundable and sponsorship operations.
Co-financing Committee: provides support to the operational divisions in the assessment of possible structures or instruments to be used in the BNDES’ financial support requests that are eligible to cofinancing.
Collegiate of Project Structuring Directors: permanent forum with a deliberative nature, composed of members of the Executive Board. Its main duties are: acting as the final instance of evaluation of the models designed for privatization projects, concessions and PPPs; approving the performance management model of the portfolio of projects under structuring; and monitoring the progress of this portfolio.
Executive Committee on Information Technology: deliberates on priorities and on the allocation of IT resources, and ensures the adoption of the IT governance practices established.
People Management Committee: supports and directs the Human Resources Division’s activities, ensuring the adequacy and optimization of people management policies, and of the processes of internal movement of personnel, employee training, and organizational adequacy.
Management Committee: works to normalize management standards, promotes the strengthening of the relations between our fundamental units, and oversees the implementation of the strategic guidelines defined by the Executive Board, the Strategy Management Committee, and by our corporate plan.
Capital Market Deliberative Committee: discusses instruments of variable income securities and participation in investment funds.
Credit and Operations Committee: discusses and deliberates on operational matters of eligibility and credit related to financial collaboration requests.
Credit Risk Management Committee: evaluates and approves methodologies for the global management of credit risks, counterparties and concentration credit; evaluates the strategies for the global management of these risks, submitting them to the Executive Board; assesses and proposes the revision of the limits of exposure to these risks; among others.
Market Risk Management Committee: evaluates and approves methodologies for the management of market and liquidity risks; evaluates the strategies for managing these risks, submitting them to the Executive Board; and assesses and proposes the revision of the limits of exposure to these risks.
Information Technology Management Committee: monitors the portfolio of information technology projects and deliberates on changes to it; establishes priority IT issues; and monitors the levels of IT services, proposing improvements whenever necessary.
Financial Affairs Committee: assesses financial, accounting and equity matters, and ensures consistency between the operational, financial and credit dimensions.
Operational Risk, Internal Controls and Integrity Management Committee: evaluates and approves the methodologies for the management of operational risks, compliance, internal control, business continuity, and information security; evaluates the strategies for managing these risks, submitting them to the Executive Board; and assesses and proposes the revision of the limits of exposure to these risks.
Information Security Committee: evaluates and monitors matters related to the management of information security, providing relevant information about them to the BNDES’s Administration.
Sustainability Committee: ensures that the social, environmental and territorial dimensions are incorporated into the policies, processes, practices and procedures of the Bank; in alingment with the Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy (SERP), the Regional Development Policies and with other socioenvironmental or climate policies.
Project Structuring Committee: discusses, recommends and decides on operational and financial sustainability issues, within the scope of the Government and Institutional Relations, Structuring of Investment Partnerships, and Structuring of Companies and Divestments divisions.