Employee Health

The occurrence of work-related accidents and occupational illnesses with the BNDES employees, recorded in the BNDES Social Service Foundation for Social Security (Fapes), are informed to the Social Security Ministry and immediately informed to the Bank’s Human Resources division. On the other hand, events with service providers generate emergency care and the service provider’s employee is advised to inform the Social Security Ministry.

Due to its economic activity, the BNDES has a Risk Level I and, according to Regulation Norm Nº. 9 (NR-9) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, keeps the Environmental Risk Prevention Program (PPRA) updated in the totality of its physical facilities. All identified risks, including those of an ergonomic nature, are controlled, taking into account the 113 Work-related Ergonomic Assessments (AETs) in 2011.

The BNDES carries out the Medical Control and Occupational Health Program (OHMSP), in an integrated form with the PPRA and in compliance with the NR-7 of the MTE, by means of the Fapes Medical Department. In 2011, some 3,528 periodical exams were performed.

The BNDES’ physical facilities in Rio de Janeiro, where over 95% of the Bank’s employees are allocated, are covered by the Fapes Outpatient Clinic for emergency medical care. The table below contains information regarding employee health and safety indexes in 2011.

Workers’ Health and Safety Rates[1] 2011
Injury Rate (TL)[2] 9,47 (Southeastern Region)
Occupational Illness Rate (TDO) zero
Days Missed Rate (TDP)[3] 1,61 (Southeastern Region)
Absenteeism Rate (TA)[4] 3,10 (Southeastern Region – RJ and SP)
0,78 (Central-Western Region – DF)
0,67 (Northeastern Region – PE))
Deaths resulting from work-related accidents or occupational illness zero

Incidents that did not generate injuries are also controlled to minimize the risk of future accidents. Once a potential risk is identified in the building’s physical installation, the Bank’s administration, and/or the building management, is informed to take the proper measures.


1. Information referring to the period between 01.01.2011 and 12.20.2011.

2. Frequency of accidents with injuries. Considering 2,000 hours of annual exposure per employee (NBR 14.280), in other words, 5,594,000 men-hours of exposure, with the employee base on 12.06.2012. There were 53 accidents (39 typical and 14 commuting accidents). Only in Rio de Janeiro (Southeastern Region).

3.Calendar days, considered on the day after the injury until the day prior to the return. A total of 205 lost days as a result of work-related accidents (typical and commuting). The total number of scheduled days is five days/week x 48 weeks/year (considering vacation time) for each employee involved. TDP = days lost/days scheduled x 100.

4. Medical absences. Excluding holidays, leave of absence for studying, maternity/paternity leave, advance or delayed leave, mourning, wedding and accompaniment leave. The total number of scheduled days is five days/week x 48 weeks/year (considering vacation time) x Nº. of employees per region, with an employee base on 12.06.2011. TA = absent days/scheduled days x 100.