Private companies with headquarters and administration in Brazil, as well as individual entrepreneurs are eligible to request financing from the BNDES. Public Administration and individuals are also entitled to financing in specific cases (cargo carriers, rural producers or micro entrepreneurs).
To apply for financing from the BNDES, the client is expected to meet the following minimum requirements:
The BNDES classifies companies according to their size, and the categories are applicable to all economic sectors. The classification by size is taken into consideration in specific financial support mechanisms of the BNDES, which are focused on a specific company size. Additionally, it establishes, in some cases, special financial conditions within the same project or program.
Classification per company size establishes the following categories:
Annual Gross Operating Income
Micro Company
Less than or equal to R$360 thousand
Small Company
More than R$360 thousand and less than or equal to R$4.8 millions
Medium Company
More than R$4.8 millions and less than or equal to R$300 millions
Large Company
More than R$300 millions
Annual Gross Operating Income means the income earned in the calendar year from:
Should the activities begin in the same calendar year, the limits defined above will be proportional to the number of months in which the individual or company has been in business, not taking into account fractions of months. In the cases of start-up companies, the annual sales projection used in the undertaking will be considered, bearing in mind the total installed capacity.
When the company is controlled by another company, or if it belongs to an economic group, classification per size will take into consideration the annual consolidated gross operating income.
Avenida República do Chile, 100 | Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - 20031-917 | Tel.: +55 21 2052-7447 / 3747-7447
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