Financing for production of high added value goods and services by internationally competitive companies established under Brazilian law. Transactions are carried out through the accredited financial institutions in Brazil.
Companies, of any size, incorporated under Brazilian law.
See the list of goods and services eligible for the BNDES’ support.
Up to 70 % of FOB Incoterm (Free on Board), depending on the company size and type of goods and services supported.
Financial Cost + BNDES Spread + Accredited Financial Institution Spread.
Combinations of TJLP and Selic or TJFPE , depending on the type of goods and services supported.
The pre-shipment fixed interest rate (TJFPE) is set quarterly by the BNDES to be applied to export dollar–denominated credit so as to reflect the BNDES external funding costs.
Established on a case-by-case basis.
To be negotiated between the accredited financial institution and the exporter.
Up to 36 months, depending on the type of goods and services supported.
To be negotiated between the accredited financial institution and the exporter.
In cases when support is requested by a company that produces goods which are included in Groups I and II from the list of eligible products, report to the accredited financing institution of your choice, which will request the necessary documentation, analyze the possibility of granting credit and negotiate the guarantees and collateral. After the financing institution approval, the transaction will be submitted to the BNDES for ratification and the later disbursement of resources.
In other cases, and whenever the applicant is a trading company or a commercial exporter company, the request for financing should be presented to the BNDES by the interested party or through an accredited financing institution.
Avenida República do Chile, 100 | Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - 20031-917 | Tel.: +55 21 2052-7447 / 3747-7447
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