Indicator Reference Matrix

A few indicators from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) were selected to measure the level of the BNDES’ alignment with the concepts of sustainability, which includes and integrates economic, social and environmental dimensions. In this matrix, it is possible to identify the selected indicators, their descriptions and the sections in which they are inserted.

The indicator matrix used the GRI indicator grid as a model and reference. It must be emphasized, however, that the GRI methodology was not used to draft this report.

Indicator Reference Matrix
GRI Indicators GRI Indicator Description 2011 Annual Report Chapter Page
FS06 Percentage of the portfolio of business lines per specific region, per size (i.e. micro/small and medium-sized/large), and per sector (GRI - FS06) The BNDES in Numbers - Disbursement operational indicators - Disbursement per company size
The BNDES in Numbers - Disbursements operational indicators - Disbursement per region
The BNDES in Numbers - Disbursement operational indicators - Automatic operations
FS07 Monetary value of the products and services created to provide a specific social benefit for each business line, divided per purpose (GRI - FS07) The BNDES in Numbers - Disbursement operational indicators - Social-environmental performance - Social development
FS08 Monetary value of the products and services created to provide a specific environmental benefit for each business line, divided per purpose (GRI - FS08) The BNDES in Numbers - Disbursement operational indicators – Green economy and climate change  
EC01 Generated and distributed direct economic value, including revenues, operational costs, employee remuneration, donations and other investments in the community, accumulated profits and payments to capital providers and governments (GRI -
The BNDES in Numbers - Economic-financial performance - Added Value Statement
FS02 Generated and distributed direct economic value, including revenues, operational costs, employee remuneration, donations and other investments in the community, accumulated profits and payments to capital providers and governments (GRI - EC01) Governance - Environment and social risks in the business lines
FS01 Policies with specific environmental and social components applied to the business lines  (GRI-FS01) Transversal Policies - Socio-environmental efforts and policy
EN05 Energy saved due to improvements made for conservation and efficiency (GRI-EN05) Eco-efficiency and Sustainable Purchases - Energy saved with improvements to conservation and efficiency
EN02 Percentage of the materials used originating from recycling (GRI-EN02) Eco-efficiency and Sustainable Purchases - Percentage of the used material originating from reclycling
EN22 Total weight of the waste, per type and disposal method  (GRI - EN22) Eco-efficiency and Sustainable Purchases - Recycling - Percentage of the used material originating from recycling
EN08 Water withdrawn per source. (GRI- EN08) Eco-efficiency and Sustainable Purchases - Water consumption
LA04 Percentage of employees covered by collective negotiation agreements. (GRI – LA04) Introdution - Profile - Personnel profile
LA07 Rate of injuries, occupational illnesses, days lost, absenteeism and work-related deaths, per region. (GRI- LA07) People Management - Employee health
LA11 Programs for the management of competences and continual learning, which support the continuity of the employee’s employability and to manage the end of their career (GRI-LA11) People Management - New Times Program
LA13 Composition of the groups responsible for corporate governance and employee discrimination per category, in accordance with gender, age, minorities and other diversity indicators. (GRI-LA13) People Management - Gender equity and placing value on human diversity