Mission, Vision and Values


Promote the sustainable and competitive development of the Brazilian economy, with the generation of jobs and the reduction of social and regional inequality.


Be Brazil’s development bank, an institution of excellence, innovative and proactive when facing the challenges of our society.


(Complete content of Resolution Nº. 1,874/2009 Annex, of December 29, 2009, which approved the BNDES’ Declaration of Values)


Ethics is the foundation on which the BNDES has been built since its creation. Thus, the BNDES demands irreproachable ethical conduct from its professionals in the exercise of their duties. Such conduct is translated, above all, into responsibility and honesty. We preserve respect and trust in our relationships, and our actions are marked by transparency. We believe that there can only be development with ethics.

  • In all circumstances, we act with responsibility, correctness, integrity, honesty and a sense of justice.
  • We respect everyone’s individuality, dignity and privacy, while valuing diversity and rejecting any form of discrimination.
  • We have a vital commitment to the human rights of all participants in our series of relationships.
  • We have created a working environment that is characterized by respect, plurality of thoughts, dialogue and the capacity to empathize with others.
  • We have established and maintain our relationships with respect, trust and transparency.
  • We defend discretion and secrecy in dealing with information used in the BNDES’ activities.

Commitment to Development

The challenge to be Brazil’s Development Bank requires all of us to be professionally and personally committed to fostering and supporting the growth of a diversified, integrated, dynamic, inclusive, sustainable and competitive production structure.
We work towards cooperation between the public and private sectors and towards strengthening undertakings, regardless of their size. Innovation is the engine behind such competitive and sustainable development. Promoting socio-environmental sustainability and reducing inequalities within Brazilian society guide our project for the future.

• We support our operations with solid knowledge of the reality and with a long-term vision.
• We cultivate a strategic vision that orients the desired results, aligns and integrates all our efforts.
• We promote economic and socio-environmental sustainability in all our activities.
• Our efforts are aimed at reducing social and regional differences while generating jobs and income, as well as improving standards of living.
• We encourage innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Public Spirit

Our efforts are oriented by our public spirit, expressed in our commitment to the interests of Brazilian society, a focus on the collective, and diligence with public resources.

  • We constantly bear in mind the interests of Brazilian society, maintaining our focus on the collective and aligned with the priorities democratically established by government policies.
  • Our decisions and actions are grounded on impersonality, equality and transparency when managing public affairs.
  • We oversee the proper use of the BNDES’ resources, paying special attention to cost, efficiency, the effectiveness of processes and the absence of misuse and waste.


We seek excellence in everything we do, in our efforts to comply with the Bank’s mission. Excellence is the result of the combination of technical competence and applied knowledge, the focus on relevance and innovative capacity, propelled by a tireless effort to excel.

  • We are constantly pursuing technical training and innovation.
  • We value the capacity for achievement by means of proactiveness, pragmatism and methodological discipline.
  • We encourage the production of knowledge oriented by Brazilian society’s challenges.
  • We encourage a desire to learn and the dissemination of knowledge.
  • We value teamwork, the sharing of knowledge and experiences, as well as cooperation.
  • We pursue quality, consistency and effectiveness in our actions by means of collective discussions and shared decisions.
  • We encourage the feeling of professional and personal achievement in teams by recognizing their contributions.